
4 Poles, 10 Teams, 4 Platforms                                                

4 poles


The Pole Norms, Competition and Regulation (PNCR) develops research encompassing the analysis of the structure of markets (anti-competitive practices, public aids and merger control), the regulation of industries (economic impacts of regulation in several sectors), and the renewal of all disciplines of law related to the implementation of these changes.

The PNCR is identified by its ability to combine industrial economics and law and, more generally, all topics related to the analysis of litigation and of the evolution of legal rules in various emerging domains, such as AI, the preservation of the environment, etc. The methods are diverse and relate to the economics of competition, as well as the critical analysis of law.  More...


The Pole Innovation, Science and Technology (PIST) brings together research relating to innovation traditionally conceived as technological breakthroughs and identified on the basis of indicators (R&D, patents). It also focuses on collective and processual innovation observed within organizations and societies. Last, the generation of new working practices or organizational forms like the digital nomads, algorithmic management or distributed companies are also in the scope of research. Research in the PCIM considers innovation as an endogenous phenomenon and focuses on the understanding of what makes innovation, who creates innovation (academic researchers, micro-enterprises, SMEs, large companies), where it is created (urban or rural environment, at regional, national or international level), and what collaborations and institutions contribute to its emergence (partners, competitors, governments).    More...


The Pole Growth, Industry and Markets (PCIM) encompasses research on economic growth, with a special focus on green and inclusive growth, as well as research on the micro and macro dynamics that characterize industries and markets in the short and in long run. These research questions include the analysis of the processes of business creation and growth, of structural change processes and, more general, of how microeconomic phenomena can influence the dynamics at more aggregate levels.

The PCIM is particularly active in producing empirical studies exploiting firm micro-data, elaborating theoretical models using the agent-based and complex networks approaches, and developing various economic indicators for economic policy.   More...


The Pole History of Ideas, Cognition and Complexity (PHICC) brings together research focusing on recent developments in economic analysis. Two complementary perspectives are implemented. The first one encompasses recent history of economic ideas, as well as epistemology and economic philosophy, and how these fields are combined in view of a better understanding of how modern economic theory evolves, including the emergence of new concepts and methods. The second one addresses the concept of cognition and the complexity of modern economies, building on mathematical formalizations and experimental economics.   More...


4 Platforms



GREDEG currently has 4 platforms:

  • The CASD/Data Platform, on the site of GREDEG in Sophia Antipolis, allows permanent and non-permanent members involved in the analysis of micro-data to carry out their work empirical/econometric work.
  • The Micro and Macro Simulations Platform, on the site of GREDEG in Sophia Antipolis, is open to permanent and non-permanent members (doctoral students of the international program in economics, post-doctoral students) in order to train in the use of the simulation approach in economics.
  • The Experimental Economics (GREDEG – LEEN) and Behavioral Economics (CocoLab - MSHS Sud-Est) Platforms, both located in the site of Saint Jean d’Angély in Nice, allow experiments to be carried out to the benefit of GREDEG members.
  • The Fablex Deep Law for Tech (DL4T), located in the site of Trotabas in Nice, allows permanent and non-permanent staff to use resources in view of adapting the rules of law to the emergence of new technological paradigms.

These platforms are dedicated to providing equipment and resources to carry out the research program of GREDEG, and can be used and mobilized by the teams and the Poles of GREDEG.