Pole Norms, Competition and Regulation (PNCR)

Pole Norms, Competition and Regulation (PNCR)

The Pole Norms, Competition and Regulation (PNCR) develops research encompassing the analysis of the structure of markets (anti-competitive practices, public aids and merger control), the regulation of industries (economic impacts of regulation in several sectors), and the renewal of all disciplines of law related to the implementation of these changes.

The PNCR is identified by its ability to combine industrial economics and law and, more generally, all topics related to the analysis of litigation and of the evolution of legal rules in various emerging domains, such as AI, the preservation of the environment, etc. The methods are diverse and relate to the economics of competition, as well as the critical analysis of law.

The PNCR contributes to the scientific project of GREDEG by analyzing market restructuring implied by the new technological paradigms, the impact on sectors’ regulation, and the legal conditions in changing sectors, like in digital sectors and in the environment.

The PNCR is using GREDEG platforms, especially FABLEX and CASD/Data.
The academic partnership strategy of the PNCR is national and international, with collaborations aimed at analyzing norms, competition, and regulation, particularly in a European context.

The PNCR is also well represented in terms of IDEX contracts, with a Law and Artificial Intelligence Chair on the 3IA site, and several international collaborations.

At the local level, PNCR is linked to Académie 1 on law and regulation of digital companies, Académie 3 on environmental economics and law, and Académie 5 on intellectual and industrial property law and economics. The EUR ELMI and EUR LEX are key reference of the research carried out in this Pole. The MSHS supports research of the PNCR through different lines of research.

Finally, the PNCR maintains strong links with several institutes of the Université Côte d’Azur on Artificial intelligence (in particular the 3IA through the Chair DL4T), and on Sustainable Development (IMREDD, OTECCA).

The Pole is composed of two teams to which economists and researchers in law contribute:

CCORSE: Competition, public policies and sector regulations

Resp. Patrice Bougette and Frédéric Marty

EDEN: Nice School of Economic Law

Resp. Caroline Lequesne, Irina Parachkékova, and Patrice Reis