H2P2S: Recent History of Thought and Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Resp. Richard Aréna and Muriel Dal-Pont
The research of the H2P2S team is centered on the history of macroeconomics (especially the emergence of the analysis of complexity), the history of micro-economics (rethinking key concepts like economic rationality, at the individual, collective and interactive level), and the history of institutionalization of economics as a discipline (emergence of economic expertise).
A range of methods is used, with recently a special emphasis on the development of archive research.
Permanent members
- Richard ARENA,
- Nicolas BRISSET,
- Muriel DAL-PONT
- Raphaël FEVRE,
- Sandye GLORIA,
- Thomas MUELLER,
- Eric NASICA,
- Ludovic RAGNI,
- Alain RAYBAUT,
- Alexandre TRUC,
Associate members
- Claire BALDIN (ResearchGate)
- Katia CALDARI (Website)
- Harald HAGEMAN (WikibéraL)
- Dorian JULLIEN (Website)
- Hans-Michael TRAUTWEIN (Website)