Team H2P2S

H2P2S: Recent History of Thought and Philosophy of the Social Sciences

The research of the H2P2S team is centered on the history of macroeconomics (especially the emergence of the analysis of complexity), the history of micro-economics (rethinking key concepts like economic rationality, at the individual, collective and interactive level), and the history of institutionalization of economics as a discipline (emergence of economic expertise).
A range of methods is used, with recently a special emphasis on the development of archive research.

Permanent members

  • Richard ARENA,
  • Nicolas BRISSET,
  • Muriel DAL-PONT
  • Raphaël FEVRE,
  • Sandye GLORIA,
  • Thomas MUELLER,
  • Eric NASICA,
  • Ludovic RAGNI,
  • Alain RAYBAUT,
  • Alexandre TRUC,

Associate members