ALTER-ORGANIZING: Alternative practices for entrepreneurship, management, and work
Resp. Anthony Hussenot et Sophia Galière
The Alter-organizing research team works on entrepreneurship, management, and work practices developed on the margins or at odds with mainstream practices. The main research object is about identifying alternative dynamics of collaboration and organization that are emerging to respond to contemporary social, technological, and environmental issues. The members of the Alter-organizing team favor qualitative methods which consist of studying individual and collective practices and processes through observation, interviews, ethnographies, case studies, etc.
Permanent members
- Philippe CHEREAU,
- Dennys Eduardo ROSSETTO,
- Rani DANG,
- Michel FERRARY,
- Sophia GALIERE,
- Anthony HUSSENOT,
- Bérénice KUBLER,
- Benoît REGENT,
Associate members
- Aurore DANDOY (ResearchGate)