BUDYMAC: Business dynamism and macroeconomic challenges

The team analyzes how organizational adjustments within companies and structural changes within and across industries can determine the ability of economies to adapt to different types of shocks and to improve competitiveness in the long run. The team has a particular interest in the heterogeneity of firms and, more generally, of economic agents, be they consumers, producers, or even financial institutions. It is also interested in the role that the interaction between heterogeneous agents plays in explaining short- and medium-run macroeconomic phenomena such as economic cycles, major economic crises, and inflation. The research methods employed are diverse and include theoretical models, econometric approaches, and the use of micro and macro simulations.

Permanent members

  • Jean-Pierre ALLEGRET,
  • Flora BELLONE,
  • Ludovic DIBIAGGIO,
  • Jean-Luc GAFFARD,
  • Philipp HARTING,
  • Maurizio IACOPETTA,
  • Thomas JOBERT,
  • Maxime MENUET,
  • Patrick MUSSO,
  • Lionel NESTA,

Associate members