The Pole Growth, Industry and Markets (PCIM) encompasses research on economic growth, with a special focus on green and inclusive growth, as well as research on the micro and macro dynamics that characterize industries and markets in the short and in long run. These research questions include the analysis of the processes of business creation and growth, of structural change processes and, more general, of how microeconomic phenomena can influence the dynamics at more aggregate levels.
The PCIM is particularly active in producing empirical studies exploiting firm micro-data, elaborating theoretical models using the agent-based and complex networks approaches, and developing various economic indicators for economic policy.
PCIM is connected to the scientific project of the laboratory GREDEG through the analysis of the impact of new technological paradigms on processes determining the entry/exit and growth of firms. The impact of new technological paradigms is also studied in the context of the major risks facing our societies such as climate change, pandemics, financial and economic crises, inflation dynamics.
The PCIM uses several GREDEG platforms: CASD/Data, micro and macro simulations, and LEEN.
The academic partnership strategy of the PCIM is national and international, with social sciences projects and several collaborations with universities and research centers in Europe.
The PCIM is also well represented in terms of European research contracts, particularly in the field of ecological transition (ABSolEU, DMaLSE), where socio-economic partnerships also matter.
At the local level, PCIM is linked to Academy 1 with research on behaviors in adopting new technologies, Academy 2 with research on complex networks, and Academy 3 in the context of research projects developed with the IFR Ressources Marines. EUR ELMI and EUR DS4H are supportive of this research, especially in different actions where the impact of exogenous shocks and the role of demand matter. The MSHS is also connected to research in the fields of globalization and the environment. Finally, the PCIM is in contact with different Institutes on Artificial Intelligence (3IA, OTESIA), Sustainable Development (IMREDD, OTECCA, IFR Marine Resources), and Cognition and Complexity (MSI).
The Pole is composed of three teams to which economists, scholars in management and sociologists contribute:
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