Zoom sur nos jeunes docteurs

Nicolas CAMILOTTO, PhD - Economics (2023)

Research Field: Histoire de la pensée économique
Thesis:Three essays on the notion of trust in economics
Supervisor(s): Dorian Jullien et Richard Arena
Curriculum Vitae: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g7sJOXPErWxJ5vgdbzlojtM1NHEx3zJO/view?usp=drive_link
Website or social network: https://www.nicolascamilotto.fr/ 
Link(s) to scientific contributions: https://www.cairn.info/revue-d-economie-politique-2021-5-page-803.htm?ref=doi ; https://journals.openedition.org/oeconomia/15559
Brief Candidate Profile: Je suis un historien de la pensée économique qui travaille actuellement sur l’émergence de l’expertise économique en France dans le cadre de l’ANR ExEco. Mes travaux s’intéressent plus généralement à l’histoire de la production scientifique ainsi qu’à l’histoire de l’expertise économique.
Ces intérêts se retrouvent investis dans divers champs de recherche de l’histoire de la pensée économique comme la figure de l’économiste sous le régime de Vichy, le tournant expérimental en économie ou encore la notion de confiance dans l’analyse économique.
Mon appartenance au Réseau en Épistémologie et en Histoire de la Pensée Économique Récente me permet de mobiliser un éventail large de méthodes dans mes recherches : histoire orale, méthodes quantitatives et computationnelles, archives.

Arnaud PERSENDA, PhD - Economics (2023)

Research Field: Economics
Thesis: Autocatalytic Networks, Trade and Structural Changes in Emerging Economies
In my PhD thesis, I explore two key structural changes: the growth of international Input-Output (IO) linkages and the rise of green industries, while putting a special emphasis on emerging economies. I investigate how these structural changes are characterised by industrial configurations that create feedback loop effects. I employ network modeling techniques within the framework of autocatalytic networks introduced by Jain and Krishna (1998). To the best of my knowledge, this research is the first attempt to use the autocatalytic networks lens to scrutinize structural transformations within international IO networks. My investigation encompasses three case studies which will be the basis for the three chapters: (i) the emergence of Chinese industries as the center of the global production network; (ii) the changes of input linkages within and across post-Socialist nations; (iii) the co-evolutionary growth of green and non-green industries in emerging economies.
Supervisor(s): Flora Bellone and Paolo Zeppini
Curriculum Vitae: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12l1Ne8dNPWEpHVDQJ44_jW7EBXhDQnAe/view?usp=sharing
Website or social network: https://sites.google.com/view/arnaudpersenda/accueil
Link(s) to scientific contributions: https://ideas.repec.org/p/gre/wpaper/2023-16.html ; https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8780826 ; https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2110701723000331?via%3Dihub
Brief Candidate Profile: I am an economist specializing in industry dynamics in emerging economies, focusing on the emergence of industries in the context of globalization and green transition. I mainly focus on using applied network analysis and economic modeling to study global challenges. However, I have also utilized multiple methodologies such as Input-Output Analysis, Gravity Model, Economic Complexity, and Network Diffusion. I am currently working on three research topics: the insertion of emerging economies’ industries into the Global Value Chain and its consequences on their productivity, the interaction between green industries and polluting industries, and the process of green norm adoption in social networks.

Banu KAV GOSEBERG PhD - Law (2022)

Research Field: Droit
Thesis: Nanotechnologie(s), propriété intellectuelle et droits de l'homme
Le monde de la nanotechnologie, le monde de l’infiniment petit, évolue rapidement. Cette branche relativement nouvelle des sciences attire de plus en plus l’intérêt de scientifiques, des entreprises, des Etats mais aussi celui de tout le monde. Il y a des nouveautés tous les ans et énormément d’argent et de temps de recherche est investi dans ce domaine. Le marché de la nanotechnologie en 2020 est estimé à plus de 70 milliards de dollars et grandit rapidement tous les ans. Le droit de la propriété est plus ancien. Les principes de base et les instruments de protection ont été mis en place bien avant l’arrivée de la nanotechnologie. Le droit de la propriété intellectuelle se veut universel et neutre et a été développé sans se concentrer sur certaines inventions, technologies ou œuvres en particulier. Dans ce contexte, il faut se demander comment protéger les nouveaux développements nanotechnologiques et les investissements et si le droit de la propriété intellectuelle propose suffisamment d’instruments. La question se pose si le droit existant peut être appliqué aux inventions de la nanotechnologie et comment le faire. Il faut rechercher comment le droit de la propriété intellectuelle peut à la fois protéger les intérêts des propriétaires et en même temps faire bénéficier la société du progrès scientifique. Également, vu que la nanotechnologie concerne en grande partie le développement des médicaments et d’autres dispositions médicales, l’environnement, la surveillance, le développement durable et les intérêts et risques pour les générations futures, la question de l’éthique et des droits de l’homme se pose. Il faut arriver à trouver un équilibre entre les intérêts financiers des investisseurs et le progrès scientifique et technique qui doit bénéficier sans distinctions aux riches et aux pauvres. Ici, le droit joue un rôle fondamental pour arriver à des solutions justes pour tout le monde.
Supervisor(s): Fabrice SIIRIAINEN
Curriculum Vitae: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mfHgivzc7bPq-09VhU7Im50rUA4Bvqtt/view?usp=sharing
Brief Candidate Profile: Je souhaite travailler dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle et du droit international de préférence dans les entreprises/institutions internationales/organismes publics de recherche. En Turquie, j'ai une expérience en tant qu'avocate turc enregistrée au Barreau d'Izmir dans un cabinet d'avocat. C'est la raison pour laquelle je peux travailler en équipe internationale en construisant une bonne communication. Je peux assister les départements juridiques pour les questions potentielles liées au droit de la propriété intellectuelle ou au droit turc. Je maitrise le turc, l'anglais et le français.

Ahmed TAKTAK, PhD - Economics (2024)

Research Field: Economics
Thesis: The economic strategies needed to implement environmental practices in hotel units in Tunisia
This research explores the most appropriate economic strategies for implementing pro-environmental practices in Tunisian hotels in an effective and sustainable manner. Since the tourism sector is directly affected by negative externalities such as solid waste pollution, it must organize itself to limit its impact on the natural environment. For example, hotels are the main producers of household waste in tourist destinations. With this in mind, the first chapter of the thesis analyses the impact of independent hotels and those belonging to hotel chains on the production of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) on the island of Djerba in Tunisia. The study compares the production of hotel waste with that of residents. It shows that tourists staying in the commune of Midoun, which is characterized by hotel chains and large establishments, generate 36.4% more waste than residents. In the commune of Houmt Souk, where independent and small hotels predominate, tourists generate 94.4% more waste. What's more, waste collection is a costly activity for municipalities in tourist destinations. These costs generally exceed half of municipal expenditure. To this end, hotel units are encouraged to introduce pro-environmental practices to improve the management of their household waste. Selective sorting is an interesting solution, as it requires little investment on the part of hotels and considerably reduces municipal collection costs. It is in this context that the second chapter of the thesis examines the motivations that lead a hotel manager (owner, director, department manager) to set up selective waste sorting within his tourist unit. It turns out that moral standards and the attitude of respondents towards the behavior studied seem to be the most significant factors in explaining their intention to sort waste in hotels. These results confirm that the responsibility of hotels, as economic players, is essential for the implementation of pro-environmental practices within the destination. With this in mind, the third chapter looks at the place of ethics and responsibility in current economic dynamics. The chapter begins by highlighting the need for a holistic, long-term approach to environmental issues. Pro-environmental solutions, such as selective waste sorting, implemented on an ad hoc and independent basis are not very effective and can be abandoned. Only a commitment by local stakeholders to the sustainable development of the destination can guarantee environmental preservation. In this respect, the management of social relations, and particularly stakeholder relations, is a central element in the development of hotels and tourist destinations. To this end, we present an organizational solution based on blockchain technology. We propose a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to design and select societal projects in a decentralized way, and to finance them through hotel taxes in a secure and transparent way. The advantages offered by this institutional technology, which is blockchain, engage local stakeholders in the development of sustainable tourism.
Supervisor(s): Damien BAZIN
Curriculum Vitae: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Ttdzb1T0QszZmAB78-WBrPBVrNbwiHs/view?usp=sharing
Brief Candidate Profile: I'm a multi-talented person. I'm an economics researcher. The subjects that interest me most are those relating to equity and good governance, while valuing meritocratic systems. Corruption and poverty are two scourges that I am committed to combating by developing scientific knowledge and putting it into practice. After all, I am also an entrepreneur who sets up projects that are economically viable and socially and environmentally sustainable.