Séminaire GREDEG : Hélène BENGHALEM (University of Lausanne)

Publié le 3 décembre 2022 Mis à jour le 8 octobre 2024

le 15 décembre 2022

14H00- 15h30 Salle Picasso
GREDEG - Bâtiment 2 - Campus Azur du CNRS - 250 rue Albert Einstein - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS
"Improving Job Search"

"Improving Job Search" In this paper we present the results of a randomised multi-treatment intervention offering jobseekers access to innovative online tools aimed to improving the effectiveness of their job search.
In this paper we present the results of a randomised multi-treatment intervention offering jobseekers access to innovative online tools aimed to improving the effectiveness of their job search.
In one treatment arm, jobseekers have access to a purposely designed online job search platform that recommends vacancies by proximity with the jobseeker's skill profile (Jobs-for-You, J4U).
The second treatment consists of online cognitive training sessions that help maintain crucial skills during unemployment (Cognition, COG). The intervention also includes a treatment arm with both the online platform and the cognitive trainings (J4U+COG) and, of course, a control group. We implemented the intervention in the Swiss canton of Neuchatel during February-September 2021.
Results show that participants in both the J4U and COG group search jobs closer to their skill profile than the control group, but only if they were mismatched in their previous jobs. These participants also find jobs more rapidly than the control group. Somewhat surprisingly, we find no difference in outcomes between the group receiving the combined treatment J4U+COG and the controls, possibly because of a form of task congestion.

Helene is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Economics at University of Lausanne. Her research interests focus on labor economic and public policy evaluation.
More about Hélène Benghalem

Le 15 décembre 2022 14:00 - 15:30