Séminaire GREDEG : Benjamin BALSMEIER (Université du Luxembourg)

Publié le 13 mars 2023 Mis à jour le 30 septembre 2023

le 25 mai 2023

14H00- 15h30
GREDEG - Bâtiment 2 - Campus Azur du CNRS - 250 rue Albert Einstein - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS

For reasons of scientific confidentiality, we can't disclose his title and his abstract.

Benjamin Balsmeier joined the University of Luxembourg as an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2017.
Prior to joining the university he was a senior researcher at ETH Zurich and Professor of International Management and Corporate Strategy at the University of Freiberg.
He gained in depth practical experience as an expert for data science at the German Monopolies Commission and advisory board member of Raynet. He is a former research fellow of the Flemish Science Foundation at KU Leuven, visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, and visiting scholar at the University of Melbourne. He also holds an affiliation with the KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich as a research professor.
Research contributions on innovation, corporate governance, digitalization and entrepreneurship appeared in various outlets such as Management Science, Review of Economics and Statistics, American Economic Review: Insights, Journal of Financial Economics, and Research Policy.

Le 25 mai 2023 14:00 - 15:30