Séminaire GREDEG: Alexander EBNER et Filippo REALE (University of Francfort, Germany)

Publié le 21 mars 2024 Mis à jour le 4 octobre 2024

le 18 avril 2024


Invités :

Alexander Ebner, (University of Francfort, Germany)

Filippo Reale, (University of Francfort, Germany)

Title: Mission Impossible? Challenging the Feasibility of Mission-Oriented Innovation through Economic Sociology

Abstract: Mission-oriented innovation is a key concept recently, in both innovation studies and policy. Entrepreneurial engagements of the state and public governance of innovation (eco-)systems are intensively being discussed as promising approaches to tackling “grand societal” challenges and manage contemporary global transitions. In this, not least, coping with the Covid-19 pandemic is a paradigmatic case. Our presentation critically reviews the feasibility of current conceptions of such “mission-oriented” innovation governance as the result of recent, fresh research in the “Economic Sociology of Innovation”.