Séminaire GREDEG: Sébastien MASSONI (BETA, Université de Lorraine)

Publié le 29 mars 2022 Mis à jour le 28 novembre 2022

le 31 mars 2022

GREDEG - Salle Picasso (14h00 – 15h30)
Lien Zoom
pour participer à la réunion Zoom https://univ-cotedazur.zoom.us/j/89848475358?pwd=VjJuT1ZtaXpCdkY4cDBQV0tRQS93dz09

Sébastien Massoni is Professor in Economics at BETA (University of Lorraine).

Research Interests:
Main: Experimental and Behavioral Economics,
Others: Cognitive Science, Decision Theory, Economics of Law, Applied Public Economics, Clustering and Classification.
Google Scholar

Judicial Decision under Ambiguity and Predictive Justice.
Authors: Sébastien Massoni, Vincent Teixeira

Going to court is always a tough decision to take. Indeed, you never know your probabilities to win, the time it will require and how much you will win or spend. Predictive justice is an A.I. tool that uses big data to bring information to lawyers and litigants about their probabilities to win and the potential rewards. This objective information should reduce the difficulty to make the ambiguous decision of going to court or not. Seeing judicial decision as a decision under natural ambiguity, we test the effect of three types of information on attitudes: partial ambiguity, risk and similarity. In a complement study we elicit the willingness to pay to access this information. Preliminary results first show that behaviors differ between situations of natural and artificial ambiguity. Then information shapes the attitudes but with no significant differences between the three types of information. This common impact of information might be inconsistent with the different valuation of information that we expect to observe.

Le 31 mars 2022 14:00 - 15:30