Senior Research Workshop - Questioning our a priori today? A multidisciplinary approach

Publié le 9 mai 2022 Mis à jour le 11 mars 2024

du 16 juin 2022 au 17 juin 2022

Event broadcasted simultaneously by video conference
Salle Picasso - GREDEG
Campus Azur du CNRS - Bât 2 -
250 rue Albert Einstein
Sophia Antipolis


Questioning our a priori today? A multidisciplinary approach
Questionner aujourd’hui nos a priori ? Approche pluridisciplinaire

Scientific direction : Jean-Sylvestre Bergé - Anne-Laure Thessard

  What came before our disciplines? What are our a priori?



These questions, which come to us from the philosophy of science, have been the subject of much theorising.

This workshop brings together contributions from scholars from France, Brazil, Canada, the United States and Israel. It has the original ambition to place social sciences at the heart of these fundamental questions in an effort to establish a dialogue, both within and beyond the academic community, between our various branches of knowledge about the different postulates, presuppositions, prejudices, paradigms, beliefs, commonplaces, biases or emotions that forge our theoretical and practical constructs. This will allow us to shed light on and discuss their meaning.


Du 16 juin 2022 00:00 au 17 juin 2022
Event broadcasted simultaneously by video conference