Séminaire GREDEG : Vinicius KLEIN (Federal University of Paranà - Brazil)

Publié le 17 janvier 2022 Mis à jour le 28 novembre 2022

le 10 février 2022

14H00- 15h30 Salle Picasso
GREDEG - Bâtiment 2 - Campus Azur du CNRS - 250 rue Albert Einstein - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS

This Hybrid seminar in face-to-face and Zoom will be filmed :


ID de réunion : 870 8315 6176 - Code secret : 409308

Abstract: The improvement of corporate governance in firms is an endeavor almost without critics. In the case of State-Owned Enterprises – SOE´s the case is even more prominent, since significant part of the economic literature stress an intrinsic inefficiency of SOE´s. Also, especially in the context of crony capitalists’ countries, such as Brazil, an autonomous improvement of SOE´s corporate governance, in response to capital markets self-regulation or competition has several obstacles. In that context, Brazil issued in 2016 the Brazilian SOE´s Law (Law nº 13.303/2016) that intend to improve the efficiency Brazilian SOE´s by mandatory corporate governance practices. The Brazilian SOE´s Law is going to be analyzed to show the limits of mandatory corporatization in and the challenges of improving the corporate governance of SOE´s in general.

INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GOVERNANÇA CORPORATIVA. Governança Corporativas em Empresas Estatais Brasileiras. São: Paulo: IBGC, 2021. https://conhecimento.ibgc.org.br/Lists/Publicacoes/Attachments/24480/pesquisaGCestatais_P5.pdf.
OECD. OECD Review of the Corporate Governance of SOEs: Brazil, 2020, http://www.oecd.org/corporate/soe-review-brazil.htm.

More about Vinicius KLEIN :

I am a Professor of Law and Economics at the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR where I teach courses in Law and Economics, Competition Law and Regulation. I also work as a State Solicitor in the Solicitor´s General Office of Paraná State, giving legal opinions regarding mainly SOE´s, Private Public Partnerships and International Loans. I have a Master in Competition Law from UFPR, a Ph.D. in Civil Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ and a Ph.D. in Economic Development from UFPR. I am a founding member and ex-president of the Parana Law and Economics Association (ADEPAR) and Director of the Brazilian Institute for Competition and Innovation (IBCI). My research agenda includes methodological and applied issues in Law and Economics, Competition Law, SOE´s and Privatization and Economic Law.

Some links of personal pages:
Linkedin - linkedin.com/in/vinicius-klein-85a76532
Academia.edu - https://viniciusklein.academia.edu/
ResearchGate - Vinicius Klein (researchgate.net)
Twitter - @ViniciusKlein78

 In the framework of DL4T Project, Vinicius Klein will come to GREDEG in february 2022. If you want to meet him during his stay, please send an email to Vinicius Klein, copy to Frederic Marty
Le 10 février 2022 14:00 - 15:30