Program Overview
- Wednesday 24th
9h00- 10h30 Session 1: Originality and legacy
Coffee break
11h-13h Session 2: Influences
13h30-15H00 Keynote lecture: Menger and the Austrian School
Peter Boettke, Georges Mason University, USA. Online
Coffee break
15h30-17h00 Session 3: Entrepreneurship
- Thursday 25th
9h00- 10h30 Session 4: Money 1
Coffee break
11h-12h30 Session 5: Methodology 1
13h00-15H00 Session 6: Methodology 2
Coffee break
15h00-17h30 Round table: The modernity of Carl Menger
20h30 Gala dinner
- Friday 26th
9h00 - 10h30 Session 7: Money 2
Coffee break
11h00-13h00 Closing lecture: Professor Heinz Kurz, University of Graz, Austria
Details of the sessions
- Wednesday 24th
Session 1 : Originality and legacy
- « Menger’s intuitions on complexity »
- « Time, uncertainty and knowledge on the original contribution and the modern legacy of Carl Menger »
Session 2 Influences
Prof. Ferdinando Meacci, University of Padova, Italy
- « Carl Menger’s research program on social Institutions » Online
Prof. Reinhard Neck, Alpen-Adria-Universiät Klagenfurt, Austria
Ass. Prof. Stefano Solari, University of Padova, Italy
Session 3 Entrepreneurship
Research Director Gilles Campagnolo, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France
- « Monopolistic power and its boundaries in Mengerian tradition » Online
Przemyslaw Rapka, Phd Student, Katowice University of Economics
- Thursday 25th
Session 4 Money 1
Ass. Prof. Karl-Friedrich Israel, Université Catholique de l’Ouest
Prof. Günther Chaloupek, (retired) Director of Economics Dpt, Chamber of Labour, Vienna, Austria
Session 5 Methodology 1
- « Econs vs Humans vs Homo Agens: Rationality in Neoclassical, Behavioral, and Austrian Economics »
Ass. Prof. Arkadiusz Sieroń, University of Wroclaw and Board Member of Polish Ludwig von Mises Institute
- « Modern elements in Carl Menger’s methodology of economics »
Krzysztof Turowski, Ph.D student, Université of Gdansk, Poland, Norbert Slenzok, lecturer, University of Silesia, Poland
Session 6 Methodology 2
- « Carl Menger’s criticism of formalism in economics: methods in economics: neither principled nor strongly essentialist »
Alexander Linsbichler, lecturer, University of Vienna, and HOPE Center Duke University
- « Menger’s Third Way: Between Marshallian Partial Equilibrium and Walrassian General Equilibrium » Online
Dr. David Glasner, Federal Trade Commission
Prof. Scott Scheall, Arizona State University, USA.
Round Table The modernity of Carl Menger
Chair : Prof. Richard Sturn, University of Graz, Austria
Speakers :
Research Director Gilles Campagnolo, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France
Prof. Jean-Luc Gaffard, Université Côte d’Azur
Prof. Sandye Gloria, Université Côte d’Azur
Prof. Heinz Kurz, University of Graz, Austria
- Friday 26th
Session 7 Money 2
Ass. Prof. Olga Peniaz, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, France
Ass. Prof. Aliaksandr Kavaliou, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus
- « A genealogy of Carl Menger’s Monetary Theory »
Eduardo Blasco, lecturer, Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Spain
Carlos Garcia de Enterria, lecturer, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Closing lecture
- « Carl Menger : Wanderer between worlds »