Final Program CARL MENGER

Program Overview

  • Wednesday 24th
8h30-9h00 Welcome and Registration

9h00- 10h30 Session 1: Originality and legacy

Coffee break

11h-13h Session 2: Influences


13h30-15H00 Keynote lecture: Menger and the Austrian School
Peter Boettke, Georges Mason University, USA.

Coffee break

15h30-17h00 Session 3: Entrepreneurship

  • Thursday 25th

9h00- 10h30 Session 4: Money 1

Coffee break

11h-12h30 Session 5: Methodology 1


13h00-15H00 Session 6: Methodology 2

Coffee break

15h00-17h30 Round table: The modernity of Carl Menger

20h30 Gala dinner

  • Friday 26th

9h00 - 10h30 Session 7: Money 2

Coffee break

11h00-13h00 Closing lecture: Professor Heinz Kurz, University of Graz, Austria



Details of the sessions

  • Wednesday 24th

Session 1 : Originality and legacy

  • « Menger’s intuitions on complexity »
Prof. Sandye Gloria, Université Côte d’Azur, France
  • « Time, uncertainty and knowledge on the original contribution and the modern legacy of Carl Menger »
Prof. Richard Arena, Université Côte d’Azur, France

Session 2 Influences

Prof. Ferdinando Meacci, University of Padova, Italy

  • « Carl Menger’s research program on social Institutions » Online

Prof. Reinhard Neck, Alpen-Adria-Universiät Klagenfurt, Austria

Ass. Prof. Stefano Solari, University of Padova, Italy

Session 3 Entrepreneurship

Research Director Gilles Campagnolo, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France

  • « Monopolistic power and its boundaries in Mengerian tradition » Online

Przemyslaw Rapka, Phd Student, Katowice University of Economics

  • Thursday 25th

Session 4 Money 1

Ass. Prof. Karl-Friedrich Israel, Université Catholique de l’Ouest

Prof. Günther Chaloupek, (retired) Director of Economics Dpt, Chamber of Labour, Vienna, Austria

Session 5 Methodology 1

  • « Econs vs Humans vs Homo Agens: Rationality in Neoclassical, Behavioral, and Austrian Economics »

Ass. Prof. Arkadiusz Sieroń, University of Wroclaw and Board Member of Polish Ludwig von Mises Institute

  • « Modern elements in Carl Menger’s methodology of economics »

Krzysztof Turowski, Ph.D student, Université of Gdansk, Poland, Norbert Slenzok, lecturer, University of Silesia, Poland

Session 6 Methodology 2

  • « Carl Menger’s criticism of formalism in economics: methods in economics: neither principled nor strongly essentialist »

Alexander Linsbichler, lecturer, University of Vienna, and HOPE Center Duke University

Dr. David Glasner, Federal Trade Commission

Prof. Scott Scheall, Arizona State University, USA.

Round Table The modernity of Carl Menger

Chair : Prof. Richard Sturn, University of Graz, Austria
Speakers :
Research Director Gilles Campagnolo, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France
Prof. Jean-Luc Gaffard, Université Côte d’Azur
Prof. Sandye Gloria, Université Côte d’Azur
Prof. Heinz Kurz, University of Graz, Austria

  • Friday 26th

Session 7 Money 2

Ass. Prof. Olga Peniaz, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, France
Ass. Prof. Aliaksandr Kavaliou, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus

  • « A genealogy of Carl Menger’s Monetary Theory »

Eduardo Blasco, lecturer, Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Spain
Carlos Garcia de Enterria, lecturer, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain


Closing lecture

  • « Carl Menger : Wanderer between worlds »
Prof. Heinz D. Kurz, University of Graz, Austria