ECCOR Economics and Coordination Nice, September 9-10, 2022

Friday 9 September 2022

Where? SJA 3 Maison des sciences de l'homme, Salle plate
Saturday 10 September 2022

Where? SJA 2 - Amphi 5

9h45 - 10h00 Welcom address

9h45 - 10h45 Session 1

Peter Howitt. Towards a Disequilibrated Macroeconomics

10h45 - 11h15 Coffee break

11h15 - 12h45 Session 2

Robert Dimand & Rebecca Gomez Betancourt. James Tobin on Macro­economic Instability: An Old Keynesian Changes Ground

Sylvie Rivot. Peter Howitt's 'Keynesian Recovery' and Keynes: An assessment

9h45 - 10h30 Session 5

Alain Raybaut
. Macroeconomic complementarities and economic fluctuations: From multiplicity of equilibria to dynamical setting

10h30 - 11h Coffee break

11h - 12h30 Session 6

Goulven Rubin. Models of dis­equilibrium and capital accu­mulation in France (1978-1993):a case of unfruitful theorizing

Michel De Vroey. Making macro-economices Walrasian: the Lucas, Drèze/Benassy/Diamond contest

12h45 – 14h Déjeuner - Hall - Salle Plate (MSHS) 12h30 – 14H Déjeuner - Hall IAE

14h - 15h30 Session 3

Ariane Dupont-Kieffer. Coordination in Ragnar Frisch’s proposal: From the Clearing Agency to indirect planning based on macroeconometric models

Michaël Assous & Vincent Carret. A case of coordination failure in Tinbergen’s early works

15h30 - 16h Coffee break

16h - 17h30 Session 4

David Glasner. Lucas and the pretense of science.

Pierrick Clerc & Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira. The Phelps-Lucas island track and the resurgence of Keynes in mainstream macro

17h30 - 17h45 Coffee break

17h45 - 18h45 Memorial Session

Chair: Hans-Michael Trautwein.
Various contributors: Hommage à Axel Leijonhufvuld

14h - 15h30 Session 7

Béatrice Cherrier & Aurélien Saïdi. Sunspot as a coordination device or sunspots as coordination failures?

Katia Caldari. François Perroux on plans coordination and planning


15h30 - 16h Closing of the conference

Discussion of the publication


Registration (190€) will be open as soon as possible until September 4, 2022.  Registration link